"Wow, I never knew all this stuff about positioning," says my character, Romeo.

I know this is cheesy but I actually thought of the same line too. So... Yes! I've finally come to a realization that I'm not a gifted actor cuz I've freaking learnt so much from the rehearsals which started about two weeks ago. LOL.

Lesson 1: How to act like a love pro
There's this scene when Romeo meets Juliet in a ball and he's stunned by her beauty. He's attracted to her and so he approaches her, which means, I gotta flirt! OMG I've never done this in my life cuz normally I'm not the one attracted. HAHA. As a result... my flirting scene with Khad (Juliet) was so fake that my boss, Suffian, actually made us do a real-time-unscripted-flirting to let us get the feeling of it. Hmm. it was embarrassing at 1st but when I saw that melted look on Khad's face, wow, felt like I scored a goal. N here it goes my 1st ever pick up line-

"Do you believe in love at first sight?
I think I just experienced it seconds ago

Hahaha, if this is going to work some day, I owe my boss a treat.

Lesson 2: How to outshine work with the rest of the main cast
Well, in my most humble opinion, a good actor does not outshine others but instead he brings the best out of others and hence the interaction between the cast is very important. I think I like this bunch of people. Oh, except that long-legged Britney! I'm so disturbed by the fact that she "looks" taller than me but I'm actually taller than her. Hahaha. Just kidding. She's funny and we love her. While for the "chemistry" between me and my beloved Juliet... Well, at least I know her better now after a long talk at my hostel's front porch. But somehow I still feel that there's a gap between me and her, maybe I should quickly pay the 12 bucks I owe her.

Lesson 3: How to speak in a Malaysian/Singaporean accent

LOL. I know my accent on stage is weird but I just can't help it! I am trained to talk like that~ Hahaha. The accent is the thing that made me a champion in my primary school story-telling competition! N also an A grade for my project work in JC (when there were only 25 students got A from my school). But yea, I know it's weird so I'm trying to change it back to normal.

Lesson 4: How to be a Star Actor
Think, observe and execute!
"Always think of the reason why you're saying this line......Look at the people around you. Look at their gestures, their expressions!......U fucking act it out!" says my boss.

Ok. Maybe he didn't use the word "fucking".

Yes! These 3 words are essential! Hopefully by the performance day I'd have watched (observed) enough of gay/lesbian/bisexual movies.

Lesson 5: How to be a Diva
Be late. Minimum 20 minutes. Self direct, don't give a damn of what the director asks for. Demand for more holidays or longer hours of break.

(To be continued...)

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Material Science整本課本念完+減肥



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"I'm so proud of you."

N' yea, ma, for this I'll never give up.

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Yes. I admit I was just too high but I believe all sane men would've done the same as I had -to sing like the infamous William, especially when you're wearing like this...

Squeezing out my double chin, wearing baggy working pants, flowery beach shirt with that classic hairstyle.

But guess what? I've never enjoyed singing live this much. Most of the time I would just be standing straight, or a bit tilted, looking drunk and singing slow Chinese songs. LOL. But this time, I'd released my fucking suppressed madness in me. I don't know why. Perhaps it's because I really do share some same William Hung's principles.

"I already gave my best and I have no regrets at all."

Hell yea. I salute you William. Never in my life would I expect to learn a thing from you, except this time.

Wednesday's (17/09/2008) TGIO performance would be a bloody disgrace to me. This was what I thought. But in the end, I realise performance is not solely about singing. It's about bringing joy to everyone including yourself. I was definitely embarrassed by myself. How the fuck would I do that? Hey, don't forget I once represented Singapore to take part in One Million Star! But after all the embarrassment, I didn't find myself in hell but heaven

"A star is born tonight!" Thanks Jason. Thou I know you might not mean it=.=

"I'm so proud of you!" Thanks Shi Li. Thou I know it's just your basic courtesy of saying it=.=

"Sheryl got goosebumps, in a good way!" Thanks Sheryl and Bryan. I guess it's time for you guys to join my fans club~

"......" Lots of well-dones and love from the Kent Ridge people.

Thank you. And now, I gotta specially thank the Rockers for all their support and encouragement.
And for the fact that they decided to recruit me after the audition. No you, no William. LOL. And never forget my Latino Band~ You guys rock to the core!

Now, presenting to you, the KR Rockers!

Hell yea. This is gonna haunt me for life but I'm gonna treasure it.

Just something to share with the adults. Below is a fairly disturbing photo. Please leave this site if you're under 18.

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